Sunday, May 29, 2011

My Walgreens Trip

Total Retail: $37.40
Total OOP: $0.00
100% Savings!!!

Here is what I did if you would like to follow along!

Transaction 1:
Buy 1 Icy Hot Naturals Pain Relief Cream $.99 - Buy 1, Receive $.99 RR (Limit 1)
Used $1/1 any Icy Hot, Aspercreme, Capzasin, Sportscreme, or Flexall product SS 5/1
Pay $0.00, Receive $.99 RR
Final Price: $.99 Money Maker

Transaction 2:
Illy Caffe Coffee, Latte Macchiato or Cappuccino $2.00 - Buy 1, Receive $2.00 RR (Limit 1)
Used $1.00 RR from transaction #1
Pay $1.00, Receive $2.00 RR
Final Price: $1 Money Maker

Transaction 3:
Buy 2 Right Guard Antiperspirant/Deodorant $4.49- B1G1 Free
Buy 1 Cottonelle Fresh Wipes 84pk $2.99
Buy 4 Women Deodorant $3.75 each
= $25.97 Total Retail Before Coupons
- $4.49 B1G1 Walgreens Sale Promo
- $2.00 RR From Transaction #2
- $2.99 FREE Tub Cottenelle Fresh Wipes  (give a tub, get a tub mailed coupon)
- $4.49 B1G1 FREE Dry Idea or Right Guard Product RP 5/1 (Only valid on Sunday, expires 5/31)
- $1.50 (2) $.75/1 any Degree Men or Women Anti-Perspirant and Deodorant RP 5/22
- $7.50 (2) B1G1 Free Degree Men or Women Premium Anti-Perspirant/Deodorant or Body Mist RP 5/22
= $4.00 Total OOP, Received $5 RR from Degree Deodorant
Final Price: $1.00 Money Maker!


  1. Actually transactions #2 and #3 are not MMs. You are counting the RRs twice. One must count the RRs either when received or used but not both.

    #2 you paid $1oop plus used $1=$2 Received $2RR=$0 cost

    #3 you paid $4 oop plus $2RR=$6 Received $5 RR=$1cost

    You paid $5 oop total You have $5RR left=$0 oop

  2. Yes that is why at the top of the post it says that my total OOP was $0.00 I post each transaction that way in case somebody doesn't want to do all three so each transaction on its own would be a money maker not overall.

  3. I thought I can get only Wipes box for Cottonelle, but you bought refill of 84 pk?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I saw you put $0 oop as the title after I posted. :)

    It's just I've seen too many others that count the RRs twice, once when earned and again when used like you did in those three transaction. It really needs to be either or because if one doesn't add up all the oop - RRs left only looking at each transaction then it appears this trip was a $3MM.

    Also you mention if someone wanted to do a transaction by itself, but not all three. If I only do transaction #2 I don't have the $1RR from #1 therefore I break even. If I only do #3 I don't have the RR from #2 so that transaction alone actually cost me $1.

    I think that is why it is important to stress that when using rewards to treat it like it's cash out of one's pocket since at one time it most likely was.

  6. You are so right! I think the RR can be very misleading to beginers. It is so important to think of them as a rebate. You will have money OOP, but then you will get reimbursed.
